, Events

We are MIBE Vortragsreihe: Prof. Susanne Kossatz & Prof. Wolfgang Weber

In dieser Vortragsreihe geben pro Termin zwei Principal Investigators (PIs) des MIBE spannende Einblicke in ihre Forschung. Im Anschluss an die etwa 25-minütigen Vorträge gibt es Gelegenheit zum Austausch und Netzwerken vor Ort.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Kossatz: From theranostics to multimodal targeted drug delivery in oncology
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weber: In-vivo imaging of transplanted cells with nuclear methods

Datum und Uhrzeit: Mittwoch, 17.04.2024, 16:15 – ca. 17:15 Uhr, anschließendes Networking
Ort: MIBE Hörsaal (Raum E.126), Boltzmannstraße 11, 85748 Garching und Zoom


Zu den Vortragsthemen

From theranostics to multimodal targeted drug delivery in oncology

Chemotherapy and external beam irradiation are the mainstays of cancer therapy. However, their efficacy is limited by their toxicity to normal cells, which leads to side effects and adverse events. Prof. Kossatz and her team are developing an approach to deliver cytotoxic payloads, such as chemotherapeutic drugs or beta-emitting radionuclides, specifically to biomarker-expressing tumor cells via small-molecule or peptidic conjugates. By protecting healthy cells from drug exposure, they intend to increase the therapeutic index of anti-cancer therapies. By using a multimodal approach, they can monitor and quantify drug delivery in vitro and in vivo via molecular imaging techniques.

Bild: Thomas Einberger / Klinikum rechts der Isar


In-vivo imaging of transplanted cells with nuclear methods

There is enormous medical interest to image the viability, distribution, and number of adoptively transferred cells in humans. This represents a very challenging task because a very small number of cells must be detected against the background of a several orders of magnitude larger number of host cells. Nuclear medicine technologies, and specifically positron emission tomography (PET) provide the necessary sensitivity to meet this challenge. This presentation provides recent examples for PET based approaches to image transplanted cells in the field of oncology and cardiology.

Bild: Michael Stobrawe / Klinikum rechts der Isar


Weitere Informationen

Die Veranstaltung wird über Zoom gestreamt: https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/612 2888 8412 Passcode: waMIBE

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Weitere Termine dieser Reihe im SoSe 2024

Die nächsten We are MIBE Vorträge finden an folgenden Terminen jeweils Mittwoch um 16:15 Uhr statt:

  • 5. Juni 2024 Prof. Jürgen Ruland & Prof. Daniela Pfeiffer
  • 10. Juli 2024 Prof. Bernhard Hemmer & Prof. Werner Hemmert