, Events

Invited Talk: “Imaging Brain Metabolism using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”

4th talk on innovative approaches in MedTech of the IEEE EMBS Student Chapter TU Munich

Speaker: Dr. Yan Li (University California San Francisco)

Date & Place: November 18, 2021  |  6:00 pm - 7:00  pm (GMT +1)   |  online

Registration:  register here


About the talk

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) is a powerful non-invasive tool for characterizing biochemical changes within tissue and has been widely used in psychiatric and neurologic diseases to estimate the relationship between metabolites and disease onset or progression. In this talk, I will introduce the basic concepts related to this technique, summarize the methodologies for obtaining such data, and present some clinical applications showing how the results can be valuable for making diagnoses, assessing prognosis, and monitoring response to treatment. Lastly, I will share our experiences in clinical translation of MR spectroscopy for evaluating patients with glioma.

About the speaker

Dr. Yan Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California San Francisco. Her research focuses on developing methods for obtaining reliable metabolic information from the brain to characterize spatial and temporal heterogeneity and the biological behavior during disease time for brain tumors, psychiatric and neurologic diseases.


About the IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich

The aim of the recently activated IEEE EMB Student Chapter Munich is to provide the students a community of peers, and a connection to faculty and industry professionals who drive innovation in the field of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB). We organize once per month a one-hour online Guest Lecture of an interesting topic related to MedTech.

Contact IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich
If you are interested in more similar events or in the chapter, follow the IEEE EMBS Student Chapter Munich on Facebook or get in contact via email