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MIBE Online Seminar: Three-dimensional Electrode Arrays for Nanoparticle Detection

Titel: Three-dimensional Electrode Arrays for Nanoparticle Detection

Sprecher: Hu Peng, doctoral candidate (Wolfrum Group)

Datum und Uhrzeit: Dienstag, 11. Januar 2022, 13:00 Uhr

Abstract: Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) represent a prominent bioelectronic platform to examine neuronal networks and the transmission of cellular activity in vitro and in vivo. Conventional MEAs can be used in quantitative studies of planar neuronal networks without damaging the cells’ membrane. Despite their many applications, however, two-dimensional (2D) MEAs do not provide sufficient dimensionality to investigate three-dimensional (3D) systems, such as model organisms. In contrast, 3D pillar microelectrodes are able to penetrate into these systems making it possible to record from within the intact network.


Das MIBE-Seminar findet in diesem Semester online (Zoom) statt. Wenn Sie an dem Vortrag interessiert sind, können Sie sich per Email (katharina.scholz(at)tum.de) anmelden, Sie erhalten dann die Zugangsdaten.


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