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MIBE Seminar: Enhancing the Detection of Nondisplaced Fractures with Dark-Field Radiography

Titel: Enhancing the Detection of Nondisplaced Fractures with Dark-Field Radiography

Sprecher: Florian Schaff (Pfeiffer Group)

Datum und Uhrzeit: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024, 13:00 Uhr

Abstract: Many clinically relevant fractures are radiographically occult in conventional radiographs and thus challenging to diagnose reliably. As an alternative to X-ray attenuation imaging, X-ray dark-field radiography is a developing method that utilizes X-ray scattering as an additional signal source. Since it's development in the early 2000's, dark-field imaging has gained considerable attention in medical imaging research, e.g. in mammography or imaging of the thorax. In this talk we discuss the potential of X-ray dark-field radiography to improve the detection of radiographically occult fractures compared to conventional attenuation-based radiography alone.


Das MIBE Seminar findet in Präsenz im Hörsaal E.126 (Boltzmannstraße 11, 85748 Garching) statt und wird zusätzlich live per zoom übertragen.

Zoom Daten für alle online Seminarvorträge in diesem Semester:

Meeting Name: MIBE Seminar Talks, Tuesdays 1:00 pm
Meeting-ID: 698 5129 8624
Password: mibe

Das MIBE Seminar kann für Promovierende als fachliche Qualifizierung angerechnet werden.
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