, Events

MIBE Seminar: Challenges in Introducing a Fully Automated AI System to the Workflow in Radiology - Use case: Vertebral Fracture Detection

Topic: Challenges in Introducing a Fully Automated AI System to the Workflow in Radiology - Use case: Vertebral Fracture Detection

Speaker: Malek El Husseini, Doctoral Candidate (Menze Group)

Date and Time: Tuesday, 26 July 2022, 1:00 pm

Abstract: Introducing a fully automated AI systems to the clinical workflow faces a multitude of challenges in terms of technology, implementation and readiness for adoption. In this talk, I will focus on the technological and implementation aspects of the issue, and from there, I will try to make the case for adoption. I will use the topic of vertebral fracture detection (a topic I extensively worked on) as a demo application.

More information

The MIBE Seminar is the main seminar for researchers in the field of biomedical engineering at TUM.

This semester, the seminar talks are aligned with the “We Are MIBE” talks and provide a deeper insight into these research areas.

The MIBE Seminar will take place in our lecture hall E.126 (Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching) and will be live streamed via zoom.

The zoom details for all online seminar talks this semester are:

Meeting Name: MIBE Seminar Talks, Tuesdays 1:00 pm
Meeting-ID: 698 5129 8624
Password: mibe

The MIBE Seminar counts as subject specific qualification for doctoral candidates.

Further Program Summer Term 2022

This seminar talk is the last one in Summer Term 2022.
The new seminar series in Winter Term 2022/23 starts again on 18 October 2022.