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MSB Seminar: High-sensitivity and high-resolution laboratory X-ray grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography

Speaker: Josef Scholz, M.Sc.; staff scientist at the research group Physics of Biomedical Imaging led by Prof. Julia Herzen

Time: 17 December 2019, 1:00 pm

Place: Munich School of BioEngineering (Lecture Hall E.126, Boltzmannstr. 11, 85748 Garching)

Non-destructive examination of soft tissue materials using state of the art attenuation-based X-ray imaging approaches up to now remains challenging in terms of soft tissue contrast. Grating-based phase-contrast imaging (gbPCI) easily can overcome these limitations concerning contrast, allows for quantitative tissue assessment and furthermore is compatible with widely available polychromatic laboratory sources. However, current limitations in terms of resolution, required for reliable soft tissue characterization, inhibits routine application of the technique. Here we present first results on reaching higher resolutions with a gbPCI setup using a high-power rotating anode X-ray source.