Acatech president Jan Wörner (left) and Franz Pfeiffer (right) at the acatech general meeting on October 19th 2021. Image: acatech/Wolf
Acatech president Jan Wörner (left) and Franz Pfeiffer (right) at the acatech general meeting on October 19th 2021. Image: acatech/Wolf

, News

Prof. Franz Pfeiffer elected as member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech.

Franz Pfeiffer, Professor for Biomedical Physics and Director of MIBE, is now member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech. On October 19th 2021, acatech president Jan Wörner officially welcomed Prof. Franz Pfeiffer to the academy.

Acatech was founded in 2002 and grew in 2008 into the German Academy of Science and Engineering, which is jointly funded by the federal and state governments of Germany. 

The academy independently represents the interests of German technical sciences and provides advice for policymakers and the public – in self-determination and guided by the common good.

Members are admitted to the academy on the basis of their scientific achievements and reputation and are drawn from the fields of engineering and the natural sciences as well as from the humanities and social sciences. New members are admitted solely on the basis of nomination and election by existing members.


Media Relations MIBE


Contact to this article

Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Biomedizinische Physik
Munich School of BioEngineering
Tel: +49 171 301 9552