, Biomimetics News

Biomimicry Global Design Challenge 2021

Technical Competition is open to all TUM members

Logo der Biomimicry Global Design Challenge

The organisers are once more calling students and/or professionals to form teams and work on critical global challenges. As in the past, nature, with its 3.8bn year history of solving engineering challenges will be the repositor from which solutions will be drawn.

This year, the focus lies on addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Every year, top teams are invited to fine-tune their concepts at the biomimicry launchpad incubator, which has already produced a number of start-ups. Last year’s finalists have posted their progress updates here.

In order to participate, you must form a team comprised of students and/or independent professionals, where the latter may simply refer to people acting under their own name. Rules, deadlines, further information, and resources are available here.

We are not involved in the organisation of this challenge, as this is an initiative from the Biomimicry Institute. You are, however, welcome to contact us, whether you find the concept attractive or are merely toying with the idea of a participation.

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