Biomimetics News

  • Bioinspired Start-ups and Innovation

    We’re lining up a triad of two start-up founders and a biomimicry practitioner from industry on Thursday 01 July at 5:15 pm. The event is open to all (registration for non-TUM participants requested) and will be in Englisch language. Details here.

  • [Translate to English:]

    Video Consultations at 11:30am, 1:30pm und 3:30pm

    TUM Entrepreneurship Day

    If you're curious how biomimetics can be used for start-up creation, come and visit our virtual booth at the TUM Entepreneurship Day. We are available for video consultations at 11:30am, 1:30pm, and 3:30pm. Details.

  • TUM contributes to biomimetic workshops

    Nature’s Solutions in Space

    Debris represents a growing hazard to future missions unless it is removed from orbit. Any approach that solves this growing issue will need to start from first principles, since such an clean-up campaign has never been conceived in detail, before. First conceptual steps were recently undertaken with participation from individual students and TUM staff members.

  • Technical Competition is open to all TUM members

    Biomimicry Global Design Challenge 2021

    The organisers are once more calling students and/or professionals to form teams and work on critical global challenges. As in the past, nature, with its 3.8bn year history of solving engineering challenges will be the repositor from which solutions will be drawn.

  • Idea competition generates concepts for technical solutions inspired by nature.

    Learning from snakes

    18 May 2020 | Projects submitted for TUM’s bioinspired idea competition show how technical solutions can benefit from models in nature.