
  • Prof. Dr. Werner Hemmert and Dr. Siwei Bai are developing computer models to better understand and simulate the hearing process with cochlea implants.

    DFG funding for research on cochlear implants

    Computer models to improve hearing implants

    20 July 2023 | Prof. Werner Hemmert and his team are researching the hearing process with cochlear implants (CI). They are developing computer models to investigate which information passes from the CI to the nervous system.

  • Doctoral candidate Lukas Hiendlmeier working on the self-folding electrodes. Image: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

    Self-folding electrodes stimulate fine nerves

    4D printing for nerve stimulation

    17 July 2023 | An international research team has developed flexible electrodes that fold themselves around thin nerves upon contact with moisture. They are produced with 4D printing technology.

  • Bioengineering Day 2023 am Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering (MIBE).

    „Chat-GPT moment“ in healthcare: Technological progress and responsibility

    Bioengineering Day 2023: AI in medical applications

    23 June 2023 | Talks and panel discussion with experts from science, clinical practice and industry at this year's Bioengineering Day.

  • Franz Pfeiffer, Professor of Biomedical Physics

    Shortlist for Research Prize 2023 for medical pioneers

    Prof. Franz Pfeiffer nominated for the A. F. Harvey Engineering Research Prize 2023

    16 June 2023 | Franz Pfeiffer, Director of the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering (MIBE) and Professor of Biomedical Physics, has been shortlisted for the A. F. Harvey Engineering Research Prize 2023 by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

  • PD Dr. Tobias Lasser and Alessandro Wollek

    Interview with computer scientist Alessandro Wollek and ethics researcher Theresa Willem

    More transparency for AI in diagnostics

    5 June 2023 | AI has the potential to support diagnoses in radiology. However, until now, a lack of transparency has often made it difficult to understand the recommendations made by AI. Researchers have now investigated whether and how the visual representations used in AI image analysis – referred to as Saliency Maps – can help.

  • NewIn: Matthias Hebrok.

    NewIn: Matthias Hebrok

    Researching diabetes and pancreatic cancer with miniature organs

    1 June 2023 | In this issue of "NewIn," we introduce Matthias Hebrok. The professor of Applied Stem Cell and Organoid Systems and director of the new TUM Center for Organoid Systems creates organ-like structures from stem cells.

  • AI in medical applications

    Bioengineering Day 2023

    22 May 2023 | On June 23rd MIBE brings together experts from science, medicine and industry to explore the opportunities and challenges of AI in medical applications.

  • A new look at the brain’s immune system

    Using organoids to learn about autism

    22 May 2023 | Researchers have succeeded in modelling the development of the brain and its immune system using organoids.

  • Checking the cells on multi-electrode arrays under the microscope at the Space Station Processing Facility at Kennedy Space Center.

    Experiment from TUM student initiative WARR space labs on the ISS

    "Our box flies by up there every 90 minutes"

    21 April 2023 | Experiment from TUM student initiative WARR space labs on the ISS