News Biomaterials & Biomolecular Systems
Designing large new proteins with AI
New method for designing artificial proteins
EU funding for projects on medicine, space exploration, software, and biomaterials
Nine ERC Starting Grants awarded to TUM researchers
Multi-purpose mucus
What mucins can do in medicine
New method makes space for DNA insertions
Expanding the gene editing toolbox
Magazine "Capital" awards talents from business, politics and society
Klaus Wagenbauer among the "Top 40 under 40"
Tiny turbines for nanorobotics
Nanoturbine made from DNA material
MIBE in the media | Breaking Lab video with Hendrik Dietz, Professor of Biomolecular Nanotechnology
Video: DNA nanotechnology in medical applications
Opportunities for cancer treatment and wound healing
Microrobots for the study of cells
DNA origami structures fitted with antibodies help immune system to target cancer cells
Immunotherapy: Antibody kit to fight tumors